Una serie para la enseñanza y práctica de la lectura deforma metódica y gradual, que abarca desde el proceso inicial hasta alcanzar una lectura fluida y precisa con y sin Nikud, además de la lectura de Rashi.
“Bemaalot haktiva” – a series which shows and practices the printed letter in a unique, easy, and efficient way, besides that it gives rules as how to stay on the lines as well as avoiding mistakes in orthography
It’s a series to get to know the Hebrew language in a structured and progressive way in three areas parallelly: vocabulary, grammar, and comprehension of a text.
The books “Navin Behanaa” (for boys) / “Hachavaya Shebakria”(for girls) develops the understanding of reading in a pleasant way, from individual words till paragraphs with the ability to follow instructions.